Skin Goose Bumps Flesh Colored Rough Patches What Causes Goose Bumps On Your Skin?

What causes goose bumps on your skin? - skin goose bumps flesh colored rough patches

Balls on your skin when it's cold or fear.


Yoshi Marc Levi said...

Goose bumps, also called goose pimples, goose bumps, blows cold, chicken skin, goose bumps or a medical term, on the skin of a person on the basis of the hair body which involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences strong emotions such as anxiety or fear. The reflex producing goose bumps known as shivering, piloerection or pilomotor reflection. This happens not only in humans but also in many other mammals, is a prominent example of porcupines, their spines when they threatened to increase.

Goose bumps arise when small muscles at the base of each hair as arrectores pili muscles, contract and pull the hair erect known. The reflex is through the sympathetic nervous system, which is usually in the fight against many answers or theft charge initiated.

Goose bumps are also a reaction to cold: in animals with fur or hair covering to create, erect hairs case of an insulating air layer. Goose bumps may also appear in response to the anger or fear: the erect hairs of the animal is greater, to intimidate opponents. This can be seen, for exampleD screens intimidation of chimpanzees, stressed mice and rats and cats fear. In humans, it can also piloerection as a reaction to hearing nails scratch on a blackboard or listening inspired by awesome music.

Piloerection in response to cold or fear in humans as humans remains very little body hair to keep the reflex (is) in humans is now no longer known.

In humans, goose bumps are strongest on the forearms occur, but also in the legs, back and other areas of the skin, the hair. For some people, they also come in the face or head.

Cici said...

Reflection of the body, she said, do not usually.

basic324 said...

Goose bumps arise when small muscles at the base of each hair as arrectores pili muscles, contract and pull the hair erect known. The reflex is through the sympathetic nervous system, which is usually in the fight against many answers or theft charge initiated.

Goose bumps are also a response to cold

Goose bumps can occur only in mammals and other animals have no hair

Farmer & Granny Crabtree said...

Steve: "When I sing" The Impossible Dream "that it is quite warm and nose, and her skin is very pleased about that last high note to win ... the ghostly man .. usually caused by emotions. .. .. wait to hear me sing "The Days of Wine and Roses!

Edyie: "The Dreamer!

Claire W said...

I always get goose bumps when someone has done something good on TV or being told they have won something .. I am as sweet as I get when I hear a song I like

koi said...

If the cold, fear or urgency.

koi said...

If the cold, fear or urgency.

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